Sunday School classes are available for children: age 3-K, grades 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, and there are two adult classes to choose from. We are currently using the Answers Bible Curriculum which covers the same lesson at different age levels for each of the Sunday School Classes, making family discussion easier as God’s Word is applied to all generations.
Our Christmas Program includes the Sunday School children as well as many adults from the congregation.
Children in Sunday School grades K-6 are invited to be part of the KID’S FOR CHRIST (KFC) They have a special lunch, game and craft time, and then help with a Nursing Home program from time to time. They also have the opportunity to play in the BELL CHOIR at those programs and in church services.
A fall HARVEST PARTY is usually planned during the Fall Bible Conference
Each child from birth – High School has a Prayer Guardian – someone who will pray daily for that child and encourage them throughout the year and on special occasions.
The Youth Group is for those who are in 7-12 grade and meets once a month on the third Wednesday at 6:30 pm for a time to study and apply God’s Word, discuss topics and issues that are relevant to teens, pray for and encourage one another to take a stand and then to stand strong together for The Lord.
Throughout the year, service – work projects may be scheduled to help the elderly, widows, or meet other needs in the church and communities around us. Mission trips are also encouraged and the opportunity is given to the youth to travel to the Cities and help process Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.
Community Chapel helps support eleven missionaries.. They serve in Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Spain and Papua New Guinea as well as at home working with Jewish Missions, Prison Ministries and Native American Indian Tribes, & Local youth discipleship/mentoring
Most of our missionaries serve under Ethnos 360 (formerly New Tribes), others serve with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, Global Serve International, Friends of Israel, On Common Ground Ministries, InFaith and The India Mission for Evangelism.
MISSIONS CONFERENCE which is held late in March is a highlight of our year. Two Foreign Missions and one Home Mission are represented. A Youth Pizza Party intended to provide a time of interaction with the Missionaries on Saturday night kicks off the beginning of Conference. Sunday is a full day including Sunday School breaking into three groups – each with a different missionary, Morning and Evening Services plus a time for one Field Presentation in the evening. There is also a fellowship meal at some point during the day. Monday – Wednesday mornings are full with a time of prayer, an open forum Q/A discussion time and a devotional by one of the missionaries. Each evening a message and field presentation are given. A children’s activity with one of the missionaries is also available during the message time. Times of fellowship are interspersed throughout the week as well. Join us!
Weekly Bible Study and Prayer Meetings are held on Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 pm. Prayer Guardians are arranged for each of our children from birth – High School.
A Prayer Chain Ministry is available to quickly get prayer requests to those who are committed to pray for one another and the needs expressed. It is activated by calling the Pastor.
Prayer is important in all areas for all ages!
The Maranatha Mission Society meets on the second Thursday of the month at 2:00 pm. Their goal is encourage one another through Bible study and prayer to have a deeper commitment to missions at home and around the world. Their current study guide is “Becoming a Woman of Simplicity” by Cynthia Heald. Monthly offerings taken are divided between our supported missionaries and sent to them at Christmas. Missionary’s birthdays and anniversaries are remembered throughout the year with cards and notes of encouragement. Special attention is given to our Mission Conference Missionary wives with a special gift/offering at that time.
Serving Committees made up of ladies within the church also sponsor Mother-Daughter, Father-Son, and Ladies Guest Day events. These Committees are also used as needs arise for fellowship meals, funerals or for other functions.
The women of Community Chapel also provide various programs and lunches at our area nursing homes throughout the year.
We have a love for music at Community Chapel! In our worship services we use a blended music format including Hymns with their rich doctrinal teaching and praise choruses to express praise to God because He is worthy of praise!
There are a number of groups from duets to quartets as well as individuals that provide special music whether vocal and/or instrumental at services.
The Church Choir is made up of people who enjoy singing in four part harmony and meets and perform at various times throughout the year.
We also enjoy Christmas Caroling (all ages are welcome) at the area Nursing Homes.
Services are held on a rotation basis of area Pastors at: Timely Mission Nursing Home, Buffalo Center, IA., Titonka Care Center, Titonka, IA., and Heritage Home, Bancroft, IA.
The ladies of the church also host a variety of programs at these nursing homes throughout the year.
A highlight of the year is Christmas caroling for the residents in these area care facilities.
Community Chapel has a lending library for children and adults that contains a number of books covering many topics, as well as audio books, audio tapes, CDs, video tapes and DVDs. These are available for use through a sign out system. New items are added throughout the year as we try to stay current with publications and video productions.
Morning Messages are available for viewing online Also, CDs or DVDs of Morning Messages are also available upon request.